A Celebration of Plant-Based Love:
Valentines Day Mini-Fest
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Valentines Day Mini-Fest
Sorry -- This event is FULL
Looking for something special for Valentine's day? Want it to fit your healthy lifestyle -- and inspire you further? Then come join me in the kitchen for this special food demo/lecture with a full dinner. Come by yourself or with a special someone and snack on creative whole-food plant-based appetizers while you watch me prepare some of the other food we'll be serving. You will enjoy a full dinner (menu below) plus one of my most popular presentations, "How to Age in Slow Motion." and we'll wrap the evening up with my latest oil-free dessert creation.
(Everything will be 100% plant-based, mostly organic, and made without gluten, oil or nuts and will be GMO-free)
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My goal is to help others embrace plant-based, gluten-free cuisine. I do not use wheat, barley, rye, oats or peanuts nor derivatives of these in any of my food, However, I DO buy grains, beans, nuts and seeds that may NOT be guaranteed free of cross contamination with gluten and/or peanuts. I wash and soak many, but not all of the bulk items I use. Please take this into account when deciding if my food will be safe for you to consume.
How can I consider beans and certain whole grains, "Paleo"? The real "paleo" diet was not actually a single diet. Early humans near the equator, ate a radically different diet from those living in Europe. Most were plant-based, while others did include some meat (mostly scavenged). Huge regional differences existed as plant and animal species vary widely by locale. Today's paleo authors define paleo as consuming ONLY foods that our paleolithic ancestors would have eaten... but then promptly contradict this by consuming olive and coconut oil. There is no evidence that paleolithic humans consumed any oils and these foods are every bit as processed as sugar cane crystals, and every bit as health destroying. Furthermore if you want to be technical -- no food we have access to today would have been consumed 10,000 years ago. The plants and animals we eat today, have been selectively bred. None of those we consume today existed back then. Plus thousands of environmental toxins that did not exist back then contaminate food today and concentrate up the food chain, so fish, meat and dairy have more of these than anything else -- that makes meat, fish and dairy even less paleo. It seems rather dishonest to me, to suggest our prehistoric ancestors did not eat beans (or even some grains) as the ancestors of the beans and grains we eat today, were available to them. (And in fact evidence suggests humans WERE eating these well before 10,000 years ago too.) Furthermore overwhelming science shows these foods contribute important phytochemicals and fiber that reduce our risk of common chronic diseases. The real reason SOME people experience improvement on "Paleo" diets is because they eliminate three of today's worst offenders: GLUTEN, DAIRY, and PROCESSED CARBS. Notice I said, "Processed" carbs. Whole unrefined carbs (as long as they are gluten-free!) are absolutely health promoting. It is unfortunate that many falsely attribute their improvement on the paleo diet to eating grass fed meat and eliminating beans and whole grains. Here is a FABULOUS new video posted by Brenda Davis about the Paleo Diet too: |
When I present in a small space, I use an online sign-up: (it is NOT currently active)
Whatever name you use to sign up with, WILL be visible to others, but your email address will not. You must use a legitimate email address, so that I can contact you if need be, and also to give you the ability to change or delete your sign up if you can't make it. Generous samples of lots of food are provided -- you won't go home hungry!
Donations are gratefully accepted and help keep this program going, and fund my other outreach. Important: If you are under a doctor's care or on medication to manage blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes, it is CRITICALLY important to be managed by your practitioner as you change your diet. Whole Food Plant-Based Diets can powerfully impact blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Drugs taken to manage these can rapidly become over-dosed when you stop eating meat, dairy, eggs and oil and replace these with beens, vegetables and fruits.
Downloadable: The Two Parallel (Nutrition) Universes