Watch my recent presentation in Berkeley, California
![]() Articles of mine on other sites:
Raising Vegan Children in a (Not Yet) Vegan World Why We Should Watch Less Television (And How to Make It Happen) Enculturating Our Children Consciously How We Thrived as Vegans Thanks to Vegetarian Summerfest. ![]() Video of me presenting:
The Real Reason Paleo is so Popular (Aug 27, 2016, Jackson, Ms) Podcasts: Interview on Mainstreet Vegan (segment begins at 21:15) VegCast: Our HomeSchool Restaurant Fresh Cafe: Get Off Gluten Fresh Cafe: What Really Matters |
About MeMy passion has always been to teach, inspire and bring life-enhancing information to others, as a Montessori teacher, as a naturalist in an award winning outdoor education program, and in a business I founded called, Animals on Wheels, that brought hands-on science education to schools in the Midwest.
After completing my degree in microbiology, I was working on my masters when I was hired by a multinational pharmaceutical company as a biodecontamination specialist, a position that had me consulting with lab animal testing facilities, pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, and industrial animal agriculture operations. This experience profoundly changed the course of my life. When my husband and I embarked upon parenthood, that experience, along with my first-hand knowlege of how these industries were impacting our world, caused us to contemplate the choices we had in terms of rearing our children and led to the publication of my first book, Compassionate Souls -- Raising the Next Generation to Change the World. A half dozen years later, symptoms in one child, led me to research gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease. As a result, our whole family went gluten-free and my second book, Get Off Gluten, was published to fill a need for healthy, whole-foods, gluten-free vegan recipes I teach cooking classes, nutrition education, and lecture nationally on parenting, healthy living, why the issue of gluten is so important, and creating a more just and sustainable world. I also publish a free emailed newsletter: The FEAST LAWRENCE NEWS (Food Enlightenment And Sustainabilty Teachings) which highlights nutrition research, environmental facts, books, important ideas, and sometimes has recipes. Send me an email (using the form below) and indicate that you would like to be added to my email list and the Feast Lawrence News will be emailed to you several times each month for free! |
My first book, Compassionate Souls -- Raising the Next Generation to Change the World, brought together the three pillars I considered most important to facilitating health (both physical and emotional) in our family: Bowen Family System's Theory, Attachment Parenting and non-violent lifestyle choices. It is no longer in print, but many libraries still have copies available for check out, or inter-library loan.
My second book, Get Off Gluten, explains how and why our family got off gluten and contains the recipes I created to help us make that transition. A video of me speaking on the subject of gluten is HERE, and provides information you probably have not heard before. |
Copyright 2015-2016 JoAnn Farb all rights reserved.