What we read to our children, or provide for them to look at and play with, are an important way that we share our values and influence our children's world-view. Advertisers, special interests and peers all seek to influence our children as well -- but unlike parents, these others are not primarily motivated by desire to promote our child's long-term well-being, and creating a just and compassionate world for our children to live in. Here are books I shared with my children plus some learned about more recently. Books do go out of print, library collections change and books we love can be hard to find so I recommend purchasing and saving your favorites.
Picture Books that Inspire Compassion or Critical Thinking in Younger Children
Note to parents: I began this page, by sharing books from my own bookshelf...but then expanded it to include books that sounded like one's I would like from the reviews -- but I have not actually read all of these. There were times I did read things to my children, because parts I liked even though they may also have contained lines I found problematic. When that happened, I used the book as an opportunity to discuss my different perspective and why.