Quick....what is usually the first question people ask when they find out someone is vegan? If you guessed some version of, "Where do you get your protein?" You were right. Now consider for a moment.....WHY is concern about not -enough protein the first thing that pops into the mind of those unfamiliar with the benefits of plant-based nutrition? How many people do you know in America that have died from not getting enough protein? Probably none. Protein deficiencies are mostly associated with not getting adequate calories -- like impoverished people, those in a famine, and occasionally from certain diseases that impair metabolism or digestion. Now how many people you know that have died from getting too much protein? If you think the answer to that question is, "none." Then you are probably unfamiliar with what the bulk of nutritional science has to say on this issue, and thus not able to connect the dots of what has been happening right in front of you. The fact is, anyone who has died from heart disease, or any of the more common cancers, or kidney disease or complications of type two Diabetes very likely their over-consumption of protein -- especially protein derived from animals played a role in both the development and progression of their illness. Together these four chronic conditions are responsible for most of the premature deaths in America. Yet due to a combination of tradition, social pressures, and almighty capitalism, most people in America incorrectly believe that not getting enough protein is a bigger threat to their well-being, and continued functionality into old age and than getting too much.
Garth Davis MD a Bariatric Surgeon who spent a good part of his life unquestioningly promoting the mythology that encourages many of us to over-consume protein has written an entertaining, book that details his own failing health -- which he tried to hide, while attempting to help patients by encouraging them to consume more protein. Amazingly, Dr Davis, did decide to explore the evidence for himself and once he saw what the science really said, he changed his ways, recovered his health and then put everything he learned into this fabulous book. Proteinaholic, will engage you, hold your hand, and most importantly, help you understand the published science, spanning both controlled studies and epidemiological reviews. In addition you will gain an understanding of the many forces that work together to obscure these facts and keep people addicted, sick and dying prematurely from the food born illness that is our nation's number one killer: Cardovascular disease.
If you'd like to be inspired, learn how to eat more healthfully, and finally get over any anxiety you might have about, "how will I get enough protein?" Or If you'd like to understand exactly how much protein we really do need (He covers the science on that too) this book is for you!
Garth Davis MD a Bariatric Surgeon who spent a good part of his life unquestioningly promoting the mythology that encourages many of us to over-consume protein has written an entertaining, book that details his own failing health -- which he tried to hide, while attempting to help patients by encouraging them to consume more protein. Amazingly, Dr Davis, did decide to explore the evidence for himself and once he saw what the science really said, he changed his ways, recovered his health and then put everything he learned into this fabulous book. Proteinaholic, will engage you, hold your hand, and most importantly, help you understand the published science, spanning both controlled studies and epidemiological reviews. In addition you will gain an understanding of the many forces that work together to obscure these facts and keep people addicted, sick and dying prematurely from the food born illness that is our nation's number one killer: Cardovascular disease.
If you'd like to be inspired, learn how to eat more healthfully, and finally get over any anxiety you might have about, "how will I get enough protein?" Or If you'd like to understand exactly how much protein we really do need (He covers the science on that too) this book is for you!