Especially pay attention to the very bottom words on the image above...
The media (whose number one source of advertising revenue is pharma) are suggesting that Australia is on track to eliminate cervical cancer...AND are suggesting that the US (due to poor uptake of this vaccine presumably) is not. So let's take a closer look in order to deconstruct the rhetoric and obvious spin.
Examples of the media suggesting that the reason Australia will eliminate the disease is because they have thoroughly embraced the HPV vaccine:
But keep in mind -- BOTH incidence and mortality from cervical cancer had already sharply declined in Australia as a result of screening programs implemented in 1991 and 2002 as the graphs below show. Now consider these facts:
In 2011 there were 682 new cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in Australia....yet on this page we see this:
Hmm.... those numbers don't appear to support their narrative...Could it have anything to do with the fact that a cervical cancer vaccine was introduced in 2006? Keep in mind -- from the beginning critics have suggested that this vaccine would actually INCREASE cases of cervical cancer -- because 1) Marketing of the vaccine led many girls to believe they would no longer need PAP smears (which are highly effective at preventing cancers.) and 2) Because the vaccine may have the opposite effect on girls who have already been exposed to HPV virus before being vaccinated, and 3) Like over-use of antibiotics -- there is a theortical basis to believe that the major impact of the vaccine will be to shift the most common strains of HPV (there are over 100 known) away from the less then a dozen strains covered by any of the vaccines to those not in the vaccine.
Now look at these graphs I found posted on an Australian government website:
Clearly rates had declined significantly PRIOR to introduction of the HPV vaccine in 2006 (due to screening tests like the PAP smear.) Do you see any further decline since then?
And here is evidence suggesting the vaccine can actually INCREASE rates of cervical cancer in those who have had exposure to the HPV virus prior to getting the vaccine.
And here is evidence suggesting the vaccine can actually INCREASE rates of cervical cancer in those who have had exposure to the HPV virus prior to getting the vaccine.
Who do you want deciding whether your child should have this vaccine...bureaucrats and medical personnel influenced by the the pharma-media narrative or you -- after evaluating the facts for yourself?
If it's the latter -- you better speak up NOW before any choice at all gets legislated away. For more of the science and politics relevant to the HPV vaccine -- Here are two terrific sources: