Is history about to repeat itself?
Back in the 1990's a group of activists in the UK created and passed out a flyer, titled, What's Wrong With McDonalds. In response the fast food giant hired under cover agents to infiltrate the group and then served them with legal papers threatening to take them to court for libeling the McDonald's corporation. The activists didn't know it at the time, but the McDonalds company had a history of threatening it's critics with a libel suit, but then offering to drop charges, if the defendents would apologize, never criticize McDonald's again and keep confidential McDonald's threatened legal action.
But this one time McDonald's bullying didn't work as planned. The activists
Back in the 1990's a group of activists in the UK created and passed out a flyer, titled, What's Wrong With McDonalds. In response the fast food giant hired under cover agents to infiltrate the group and then served them with legal papers threatening to take them to court for libeling the McDonald's corporation. The activists didn't know it at the time, but the McDonalds company had a history of threatening it's critics with a libel suit, but then offering to drop charges, if the defendents would apologize, never criticize McDonald's again and keep confidential McDonald's threatened legal action.
But this one time McDonald's bullying didn't work as planned. The activists
were two penniless, but extraordinary individuals, who didn't back down and refused to be silenced. Instead, they turned around and counter sued their bully. The trial ended up becoming the longest trial ever in Britain's history, garnering support for the activists around the world. People in solidarity with the activists vandalized McDonald's restaurants all around the world while plummeting McDonald's into a PR nightmare that cost millions of dollars for the corporation.
Now Whole Foods Market appears to be taking a similar approach with a 16 year old critic of their business. You can learn more about what is going on HERE:
Now Whole Foods Market appears to be taking a similar approach with a 16 year old critic of their business. You can learn more about what is going on HERE:
Hey John Mackey and Whole Foods Market legal staff...I'd encourage you all to check out this documentary about your predecessor-- McDonalds and their infamous, McLibel Trial. Then I'd suggest that you stop acting like a bully and drop the charges against Ateret and others who are simply speaking from their hearts and conscience.